Laser Hair Removal

Simple and fast hair removal

At Advanced Dermatology and Mohs Surgery, our skilled dermatology providers utilize the Sciton BBL intense pulsed light device for the effective and safe removal or reduction of unwanted hair. This scientifically proven and FDA-approved machine works by directing a beam of light to a group of hair follicles, destroying them at the root without causing harm to the surrounding skin.

**Is Hair Removal Right for You?**

Unwanted hair is a common concern, and our advanced option can effectively treat all skin types and most hair colors. While shaving and waxing offer temporary solutions, laser hair removal provides a longer-lasting outcome. At Advanced Dermatology and Mohs Surgery, our team, including Dr. Sharon Horton, Purvi Patel, PAC, Alicja Kitrys, PAC, and Melissa Paz, PAC, is here to assist you on your journey.

**Laser Hair Removal Areas**

Laser hair removal can be applied to various areas, including the abdomen, back, bikini area, chest, chin, legs, neck, underarms, and upper lip. Since hair growth occurs in phases, multiple treatments are recommended for optimal results. Treatments are typically advised every 4-6 weeks, with 3-8 sessions potentially necessary, depending on the size of the treated area. During the procedure, patients may experience mild discomfort or a brief tingling sensation, with most able to resume normal activities immediately after treatment.

**Understanding Laser Hair Removal**

Contrary to common misconceptions, laser hair removal is not a vaporization process; instead, it damages the hair follicle using low laser energy. The sensation is often likened to a brief prickling or a small rubber band plucking the skin. Advanced Dermatology and Mohs Surgery's Sciton hair removal lasers incorporate a cooling mechanism to ensure patient comfort during treatment.

**How Laser Hair Removal Works**

Laser hair removal targets the melanin in the hair shaft, providing your hair color. The laser light wavelength is set to match the melanin, and when the laser energy is delivered to unwanted hair, the melanin absorbs the light and converts it into heat. This heat travels down the hair shaft into the hair follicle, destroying or damaging the follicle, preventing future hair growth.

**Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?**

While FDA-approved for "permanent hair reduction," laser hair removal cannot eliminate all unwanted hair permanently due to the varying growth phases of hair and potential follicle regeneration. Studies show a degree of permanent hair reduction ranging from 85 to 90 percent.

**Preparing for Your Session**

To maximize the effectiveness of laser hair removal, avoid sun exposure on the treatment areas for 4-6 weeks before the session. Additionally, refrain from plucking, waxing, or electrolysis, and ensure the treatment areas are clean from cosmetics, lotions, and creams.

**Results and Recovery**

Results depend on individual goals, with multiple sessions recommended for the best outcome. Skin may be slightly red or swollen after treatment, but these effects typically subside within hours. There is no downtime, and patients can resume normal activities immediately.

**Combining Laser Hair Removal with Other Treatments**

Many patients choose to combine laser hair removal with other treatments for efficiency. While certain combinations are feasible, it's essential to discuss options during your consultation.

**Schedule Your First Hair Removal Session**

At Advanced Dermatology and Mohs Surgery, patient satisfaction is our top priority. Our expert team is dedicated to helping you achieve your desired results. Contact us at 630-482-3700 to schedule your appointment and embark on your laser hair removal journey today!

At Advanced Dermatology and Mohs Surgery, our expert Dermatology providers use the Sciton BBL intense pulsed light device for effective and safe removal or reduction of unwanted hair. Scientifically proven and FDA-approved, this machine works by sending a beam of light to a group of hair follicles that are destroyed at the root without harming your surrounding skin.

We are going to take great care of you!

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