Forever Young BBL intense pulsed light photofacial

Forever Young BBL™ Photofacial

While aging is a natural and beautiful process, the effects of time on our skin can result in lasting, visible damage. Issues such as wrinkles, red and brown sunspots, small facial veins (telangiectasia) and rosacea can affect one's confidence. Advanced Dermatology Mohs Surgery’s Forever Young BBL™ Photofacial, offers a solution to achieve healthier and more youthful-looking skin.

The Forever Young BBL treatment utilizes cutting-edge BroadBand Light (BBL) technology from Sciton. This non-invasive procedure delivers light energy pulses to the skin, effectively treating conditions like sun damage, acne, veins, hyperpigmentation, large pores, and rosacea. The benefits include smoother skin, reduced pore size, diminished redness, fewer fine lines, decreased scarring, and overall healthier and rejuvenated skin. Notably, it visibly improves skin elasticity, pigmentation, and firmness.

Forever Young BBL™ employs infrared, invisible light to stimulate changes deep within the skin, causing older, damaged skin cells to express genes more closely resembling those found in young skin cells. This stimulation rejuvenates cells, activating genes associated with aging, longevity, and increased lifespan.

The medical professionals at Advanced Dermatology Mohs Surgery, including Dr. Sharon Horton, Purvi Patel, PAC, Alicja Kitrys, PAC, and Melissa Paz, PAC, along with their highly trained team, understand the importance of healthy and improved skin. If you are considering Forever Young BBL, please visit their office in Batavia, Illinois, or call (630) 482-3700. We are going to take great care of you!

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Office Hours


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-3:00 pm



